Hello, I am CISO Helen. Nice To Meet You :-)
Hello, I am Helen Patton, and I am the newest Advisory CISO at Duo. While I was a CISO at Ohio State we partnered with Duo to implement MFA across our organization. I’m thrilled to be joining the team.
The latest information security news - what's happening now, what's important, why it matters, real-world implications and who it matters to - without any of the overhype.
428 Articles Found
Hello, I am Helen Patton, and I am the newest Advisory CISO at Duo. While I was a CISO at Ohio State we partnered with Duo to implement MFA across our organization. I’m thrilled to be joining the team.
One of the mantras of defense of the organization is “keep your patches up to date.” Very sound advice. Not always practical. So the concern arises - what if I miss something?
Did you know Duo has an Instagram account? We do, and all month long we are posting trivia, videos and intriguing facts to celebrate Black History Month.
There are many pitfalls to remote access that hackers rely on. We have put together “The Essential Guide to Securing Remote Access” as a free resource to help you understand the issues and concerns around remote access and how you can remedy them safely, easily and cost effectively.
Don’t do it. Wendy Nather shows an example of the kinds of constraints that organizations have to work with, and why they may make decisions that you don’t understand from the outside.