Dave Lewis has 25 years of experience in IT security operations and management including a decade dealing with critical infrastructure security. He is the founder of the security site Liquidmatrix Security Digest and cohost of the Liquidmatrix podcast as well as the host of the Plaintext and Murder Board podcasts. Lewis writes columns for Daily Swig, Forbes and several other publications.
Calls for jail time for C-suite executives after a data breach are getting louder, but proposed legislation such as the Corporate Executive Accountability Act would not prevent data breaches. Instead, it would will simply result in organizations lawyering up, CISO Advisor Dave Lewis argues.
The lessons we learned as children can be applied to security education and training.
Traveling can be a lot of fun, but it can also present myriad challenges when it comes to keeping your information and devices secure. A few simple steps and a little advance planning can go a long way to increasing your operational security.
"If it bleeds, it leads..." We have a perverse fascination with autonomous vehicles, especially when they fail, and even more so when there is a fatality.
Security debt is the accumulation of the patches missed, the risks accepted, and the configurations misapplied. Many enterprise security problems arise when the bill comes due.