Security news that informs and inspires
scrambled headshot of Lindsey O’Donnell-Welch

Lindsey O’Donnell-Welch

Executive Editor

Lindsey O’Donnell-Welch is an award-winning journalist who strives to shed light on how security issues impact not only businesses and defenders on the front line, but also the daily lives of consumers.

In her previous position at Threatpost, Lindsey covered all aspects of the cybersecurity industry - from data privacy regulatory efforts to the evolution of underground cybercriminal marketplaces. Prior to that, Lindsey specialized in writing about microprocessors, enterprise business technology and the Internet of Things at CRN. In Lindsey’s spare time, she enjoys playing tennis and traveling.


Featured Articles

742 articles by Lindsey O’Donnell-Welch

DHS Launches Cyber Safety Review Board

The board, tasked with identifying and sharing lessons learned from “significant cybersecurity events," will first assess the Log4j logging library flaw.

DHS, Government Agencies, Government

Critical Samba Remote Code Execution Flaw Fixed

A Samba bug could allow remote attackers without authentication to execute arbitrary code as root on impacted systems.

Vulnerability, Samba

The Hunt For a Federal Data Privacy Law

Privacy experts pinpoint the challenges and complexities behind a federal data privacy law.

Data Privacy, Federal Cybersecurity, Federal

Decipher Podcast: Source Code 1/28

Welcome back to Source Code, Decipher’s weekly news podcast with input from our sources.

Podcast, Source Code

Decipher Podcast: Jon Callas

Jon Callas, director of technology projects with EFF, talks about invasive data tracking and surveillance during the pandemic.

Podcast, Privacy