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204 results for tag Government:

Cybersecurity Czar Job to Remain Vacant

The White House plans to leave the cybersecurity coordinator job open, while lawmakers have introduced a bill to establish a new cybersecurity office.

Cybersecurity, Government

CLOUD Act Grants Broad New Data-Gathering Powers to Governments

The CLOUD Act gives governments new powers to seize data stored in other countries, raising privacy concerns.


UK Government Proposes Secure by Design Guidelines for IoT

The UK government has published a Secure by Design report on improving the cybersecurity of consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smart TVs and wearables, urging manufacturers to follow common security guidelines and help protect consumers.

Iot Security, Government

New Critical Infrastructure Security Recommendations from NIAC

A White House advisory group, The President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), has released an 11-step report urging the Administration to take action to protect against “a watershed, 9/11-level cyber attack.”

Government, Critical Infrastructure Security