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10 results for tag Magecart:

Decipher Podcast: Yonathan Klijnsma

Yonathan Klijnsma of RiskIQ has been researching the Magecart skimming group for several years and speaks with Dennis Fisher about Group 4's tactics and targets.

Podcast, Magecart

Magecart Targets Advertising Supply Chain in New Attack

Magecart Group 12 was able to compromise a French online advertising provider to spread a skimmer to hundreds of victim sites.

Cybercrime, Magecart

The Deep, Dark Reach of the Magecart Group

The Magecart group has been compromising web stores and skimming card numbers from them for several years, and security researchers are exposing much of the group's techniques and tactics.

Fraud, Magecart

Magecart Group Refines Attacks, Nabs More Sites

The list of Magecart victims gets longer as the attack group optimizes its attack code and modifies its methods to steal payment card information from unsuspecting shoppers. What's a website owner to do?

Data Breaches, Website Security, Supply Chain, Magecart

BA Breach Another Step in Magecart Group’s Evolution

The attack group known as Magecart has been stealing payment information from sites for several years and is showing signs of maturation with the BA breach.

Data Breaches, Magecart