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169 results for tag Malware:

After Microsoft Macro Malware Crackdown, Attackers Explore New Options

After Microsoft started blocking macros obtained from the internet by default, email attackers are exploring alternative techniques to distribute Emotet, Qakbot, IcedID and other payloads.

Malware, Microsoft

New Malware Framework Distributed Via Pay-Per-Install Service

The malware framework contains a loader, dropper and a remote access trojan with its own network communication protocol.


New Bumblebee Malware Loader in Active Development

Researchers speculate that the emerging loader is a replacement for the BazaLoader malware.


Emotet ‘Test’ Campaign Leverages OneDrive, XLL Files

A recent Emotet campaign with significant TTP changes reveal that attackers may be moving away from macros-based attacks given Microsoft’s recent plans to block VBA macros by default.

Emotet, Malware

Spring Framework Flaw Exploited in Mirai Malware Attacks

The previously discovered RCE flaw in the Spring framework is being leveraged by attackers to deploy the Mirai botnet malware.

Mirai, Malware, Java