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169 results for tag Malware:

Qakbot Ducks for Cover With New Tactics

The Qakbot malware operators have shifted tactics again to adapt to changes in defenses.

Malware, Qakbot

New SeroXen RAT Emerges

A new RAT known as SeroXen is for sale on forums and social media platforms and has the ability to evade EDR and delivers a rootkit.


New CosmicEnergy Operational Technology Malware Found

The discovery of CosmicEnergy is unique because malware families targeting industrial control systems are rarely disclosed.


Malicious NPM Packages Hid TurkoRat Infostealer

Researchers said that it "is difficult to measure" the potential long-term impact of TurkoRat infections on developer systems.

Npm Packages, Malware

FBI Disrupts Turla Espionage Malware Network

While Operation Medusa disrupts long standing espionage efforts by Turla, security researchers say that its effects will only be temporary.
