Security news that informs and inspires


261 results for tag Podcast:

Decipher Podcast: Sherrod DeGrippo

Proofpoint's Sherrod DeGrippo discusses the top malware trends of the past year, including Emotet's takedown and eventual return.

Podcast, Emotet, Malware

Deciphering Die Hard 2

Zoe Lindsey, Pete Baker, and Dennis Fisher sit down to talk about Die Hard 2, the forgotten member of the Die Hard series, which is not a Christmas movie. It is, however, a movie with a lot of great hacking and social engineering scenes, and Bruce Willis spewing one-liners like a 1950s standup comic.

Hacker Movies, Podcast

Decipher Podcast: Source Code 12/17

This week's Source Code podcast by Decipher takes a look behind the scenes at top news with input from our sources.

Source Code, Podcast

Decipher Podcast: John Hammond

John Hammond of Huntress joins Dennis Fisher to discuss the critical Log4j vulnerability, the community response, and the potential long-term effects of the bug.


Decipher Podcast: Source Code 12/10

This week's Source Code podcast by Decipher takes a look behind the scenes at top news with input from our sources.

Podcast, Source Code