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92 results for tag Vulnerability:

Critical ConnectWise Remote Code Execution Bug Fixed

Thousands of internet-exposed servers remain vulnerable to the critical-severity ConnectWise flaw.


Attackers Exploiting Critical Fortinet Authentication Bypass

Mass exploitation of a new Fortinet authentication bypass flaw (CVE-2022-40684) is ongoing and proof of concept exploits are available.

Vulnerability, Fortinet

Researchers Warn of Unpatched, Actively Exploited Zimbra Flaw

Zimbra has published mitigations against the actively exploited flaw (CVE-2022-41352) in Zimbra Collaboration Suite; however, it has yet to issue a fix.

Zimbra, Vulnerability

CISA: Critical Zoho ManageEngine Flaw Actively Exploited

The critical-severity unauthenticated remote code execution flaw is now being actively exploited, according to CISA.

Exploit, Vulnerability

CISA Warns of Ongoing Exploitation Against Zimbra Flaws

Attackers are eyeing known vulnerabilities in the Zimbra collaboration suite to target government and private sector organizations.

Vulnerability, CISA