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19 results for tag Cryptocurrency:

The Cat and Mouse Game of Crypto Money Laundering

Ransomware actors are getting better at laundering their proceeds from attacks - but law enforcement authorities are also getting better at tracking illicit cryptocurrency funds down.

Cryptocurrency, Ransomware

Hydra Market Takedown Has Had Lasting Effects

The takedown of the infamous Hydra market has had lasting effects on the cybercrime underground and cryptocurrency laundering ecosystem.

Rsa2022, Cryptocurrency

U.S. Gov Offers $5M Reward For North Korean Cybercrime Intel

The U.S. government is ramping up its pressure on North Korea-linked malicious cyber activity after a $600 million crypto-heist that was linked recently to the Lazarus Group.

Lazarus, Cryptocurrency

DoJ Seizes $3.6 Billion in Bitcoin Stolen From Bitfinex Hack

U.S. officials arrested two individuals and seized $3.6 billion in bitcoin related to the 2016 Bitfinex hack.

Cryptocurrency, Cyberattack

Lazarus Group Adds JavaScript Sniffer to Cryptocurrency-Stealing Arsenal

The Lazarus threat group utilized a modified JavaScript sniffer to steal cryptocurrency from unsuspecting e-commerce website consumers.

Threat Actors, Apt, Ecommerce Security, Cryptocurrency