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209 results for tag Ransomware:

CISA: RansomHub Ransomware Has Hit 210 Victims

A new advisory by CISA and the FBI warned of recent attacks by RansomHub and said that the group and its affiliates have successfully hit over 210 victims since its inception in February.


Chainalysis: Ransomware Payment Sizes Spike in 2024

2024 is on track to be a record year for ransomware payment sizes - but the good news is overall, ransomware victims are paying ransoms less often.


FBI Disrupts Radar/Dispossessor Ransomware Group

The FBI has disrupted a ransomware operation called Radar/Dispossessor, which has targeted at least 43 companies by leveraging weak passwords with a lack of two-factor authentication.


Basta Ransomware Operator Tactics Undergo ‘Notable Shift’

UNC4393, a top Basta ransomware operator, has switched its initial access vector, showing the ongoing influences in the threat landscape a year after the Qakbot malware takedown.


Ransomware Groups Exploit VMware ESXi Flaw

The VMware ESXi flaw gives threat actors full administrative permissions on domain-joined hypervisors.

Vmware, Ransomware