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25 results for tag North Korea:

North Korean Threat Actor Deploys New, Custom Ransomware

A new North Korean threat group called Moonstone Sleet relies on trojanized, legitimate software, deploys custom ransomware and creates fake companies to further trick victims in its campaigns.

Ransomware, North Korea

Kimsuky APT Using Newly Discovered Gomir Linux Backdoor

The North Korean Kimsuky APT group has been using a new Linux backdoor called Gomir in attacks on South Korean targets.

North Korea

U.S. and Allies Sanction Kimsuky Actors

The US and several allies have sanctioned eight North Korean nationals, including alleged members of the Kimsuky APT group.

North Korea

TeamCity Flaw Exploited By North Korean Nation-State Actors

Microsoft warned that these attacks are “particularly high risk” for impacted organizations.

North Korea, Microsoft

New Variant of Rustbucket macOS Malware Found

A new, previously undetected, version of the Rustbucket macOS malware has been discovered in an intrusion by a known North Korean APT group.

North Korea, Cryptocurrency