Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and the in-house breach investigations team at insurance company Beazley Group said there were 131 percent more ransomware attacks against its customers in 2019 than was in 2018. The spike in attacks were most evident in healthcare, professional services, and financial services.
Ransomware attackers tend to deploy their payloads at night and on weekends, when IT resources are scarce and security teams may be less active.
A gas compression facility was the victim of a ransomware attack that took its operations offline for two days and required replacement equipment.
The FBI IC3 Internet Crime Report shows more than $1.7 billion in looses from BEC scams, far more than from any other kind of cybercrime activity it tracks.
A bipartisan group of Senators are interested in establishing a cybersecurity leader for each state in order to increase the states' abilities to respond to cyberattacks.