Security news that informs and inspires


56 results for tag Encryption:

Google Puts Plaintext HTTP Out to Pasture

Google Chrome will mark all HTTP pages as not secure in the coming months, a major milestone in the overdue death of plaintext connections.

Google, Encryption

Efail Is Not a Death Knell For Encrypted Email

The Efail attacks on encrypted email clients implementing OpenPGP or S/MIME are serious, but there are mitigations and defenses available for users.


Secure Data Act Bans Crypto Backdoors

A new bill would prevent government agencies from mandating backdoors in encrypted hardware or software products.

Encryption, Legislation

Google Asylo Lets Devs Build Confidential Computing Apps

Protect the data at rest and in transit. How about while in use? Google’s open source framework Asylo helps developers use secure enclaves with their applications without having to know the specifics of how TEEs work or learning how to use specialized tools.

Google, Cloud, Appdev, Encryption, Tools

Privacy, Human Rights Groups Decry Russian Ban on Telegram

Russia's ban of Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, is drawing criticism from privacy and human rights groups.
