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56 results for tag Encryption:

Tech Companies Push Back Against Australia’s Crypto Backdoor Bill

Apple, Cisco, Mozilla, and other tech providers say a proposed law in Australia to force backdoors in encrypted services would weaken security for everyone.

Encryption, Government

Cloudflare Makes InterPlanetary File System Globally Accessible

Cloudflare has released a gateway and browser extension to make the distributed IPFS network easily and securely accessible.


Tor Browser Comes to Android

The Tor Browser, which allows for private web browsing, is now available for the Android platform.


Crypto Backdoor Law Unlikely Soon

Policy experts say that legislation mandating encryption backdoors are not on the horizon in the U.S., but could be a reality soon in the U.K. and Australia.


Five Eyes Countries Press for Encryption Laws

The governments of the Five Eyes countries say that if tech companies can't help find a way to provide access to encrypted data, laws may be the answer.
