Encryption experts from around the world collaborated on an open letter to G7 leaders prior to the summit to not undermine encryption. The fact that the G7 leaders didn't release a statement supporting lawful access for law enforcement and intelligence agencies the way the G7 ministers did back in April is a victory of sorts.
Researchers have discovered two new flaws in the Dragonfly handshake in the WPA3 WiFi security standard.
Law enforcement officials and lawmakers asking the technology industry to provide backdoors into encryption products is not anything new, but U.S. Attorney General William Barr did something past officials hadn't done before: Barr specified that the backdoors and workarounds should be in encrypted messaging apps.
A certificate flooding attack on OpenPGP keyservers is causing problems and raising questions about the system's resilience.
Slack Enterprise Key Management tool will let organizations with strict data protection requirements use their own encryption keys in their Slack workspace.