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173 results for tag Malware:

Emotet Returns After Law Enforcement Disruption

Almost a year after law enforcement disrupted its infrastructure, the Emotet malware has returned.

Emotet, Malware

Emerging Loader Delivered Via Hijacked Email Threads

Researchers shed light on a malware loader that's been spotted consistently being spread via email spam messages over the past month.

Email, Malware, Spammers

Nation-State Attackers Sharpen Focus on Governments, NGOs

New data from Microsoft shows that Nobelium, Thallium, and other nation-state attack groups are increasingly focusing on government agencies and NGOs.

Microsoft, Malware

Google Disrupts Cookie Theft Malware Attacks

Google researchers point to a resurgence in a decades-old session hijacking tactic, as seen in a recent phishing campaign.

Malware, Browser Security, Admin Session Hijacks

New TA551 Email Campaign Installs Sliver Red-Team Tool

A new email hijacking campaign by the TA551 attack group is installing the legitimate Sliver red-team tool as a payload, possibly for use in future ransomware operations.

Malware, Ransomware