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170 results for tag Malware:

Threat Group Exploits SonicWall Flaw to Deploy FiveHands Ransomware

Researchers shed light on the FiveHands ransomware, which was deployed after a threat group exploited a now-patched SonicWall flaw in January.

Ransomware, Malware, Vulnerability

Water Pamola Attackers Target Online Shops With Malicious Orders

A threat campaign is relying on cross-site scripting attacks to deliver malware to and steal credentials from online shops.

Malware, Credentials, Ecommerce Security

Apple Patches MacOS Flaw Exploited By Shlayer Malware

The macOS vulnerability allowed attackers to bypass Apple’s core security defenses with specially-crafted application bundles.

Apple, Osx Malware, Malware, Zero Day

Law Enforcement Update Kills Emotet on Infected Devices

An uninstall process, pushed out to infected devices as part of the takedown of Emotet by law enforcement, has been triggered to kill the malware.

Emotet, Malware, Cybercrime, Botnet

Prometei Botnet Tracks Down Vulnerable Exchange Servers

Yet another cryptocurrency mining malware family is attempting to compromise the Microsoft Exchange ProxyLogon flaws.

Malware, Microsoft, Cryptocurrency Malware, Botnet