Security news that informs and inspires


170 results for tag Malware:

ToxicEye Malware Leverages Telegram For C2

Researchers have uncovered a new RAT that contains data exfiltration capabilities and relies on Telegram for command-and-control (C2) communications.

Malware, Remote Access Trojan

Lazarus APT Cloaks Payloads With BMP Image Files

The Lazarus threat group is hiding its payloads in bitmap image (BMP) files, as seen in spear-phishing attacks targeting victims in South Korea.

APT, Malware, Lazarus, Threat Actors

Threat Groups Prey on Mobile With Evolving Malware, Tactics

Up to 97 percent of organizations reported facing mobile threats that used multiple attack vectors during 2020, as cybercriminals continue to adopt new tactics to target mobile devices.

Mobile, Malware, Banking Malware, Android

IcedID Trojan Finding New Ways to Slip Past Defenses

The IcedID trojan is taking up come of the slack left behind when the Emotet botnet was taken down, with new evasion and infection flows.


Iron Tiger APT Updates Toolkit in 18-Month Malware Campaign

An 18-month malware campaign on a gambling company reveals how the Iron Tiger threat group has updated its toolkit.

APT, Malware, Attacker, Remote Access Trojan, Backdoors