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169 results for tag Malware:

New Signed Version of Old Bandook Malware Emerges

New variants of the Bandook malware that are digitally signed have been used in a recent wave of attacks on organizations in many industries.


Trickbot Back on the Block

The Trickbot malware operation is back, with a fresh spam campaign delivering malicious Word documents.

Trickbot, Malware

Trickbot Up to Its Old Tricks

Days after a takedown operation, the Trickbot botnet is back up and running with new C2 servers in Europe and South America.

Botnet, Malware

Cybercrime Victims Are Not Calling the Police

Ransomware, business email compromise, and social engineering are among the top threats facing organizations, but the magnitude of the problem is not well-understood, Europol said in its threat assessment report.

Android, Malware

Visa Reports POS Malware Infected Two Hospitality Companies

Two hospitality merchants in North America were compromised by point-of-sale malware in May and June of this year, Visa said in a recent technical report.

Data Breaches, Malware, Payment Card Breach